"It is 3:20 am. I am sleeping on my bed, and I kinda feel my pillows are wet. I don't know whether they are wet because of the tears or sweat. The tears don't bother me anymore. I have been acquainted with these 3 am crying by now." -said the 19-year-old me.
Life is hard, for you, for me and for everyone. It's just that we all have different definitions of 'hard' . We all have our own demons to fight with. It's upon us whether we let our demons defeat us or we fight back and win over them. The only thing life will give you is hardships, and man, you gotta deal with it like a fighter. Deal with your demons at night and wake up with the sweetest smile on your face.
You have every day of your life, make every single moment count.
Many people will come and go, and each of them will teach you at least something about life.
Everyone has a role to play and they leave when their part is done. You may be sad now but believe me, you'll get over it. LOVE YOURSELF Yes, love yourself enough to prioritize yourself above all. Loving yourself is the key to inner happiness and peace of mind.
Now the 21-year-old me is happy to get someone in her life to make her realize her worth. She knows how important she is to herself and to others, she loves herself a lot more than before. She is happy now. She cries when something really bad happens to her and now her pillows don't witness the tears at 3 am anymore.